Leppington Pastoral Company, a family owned and operated dairy farm based at Bringelly, NSW, has a reputation for innovation and takes a leading role in the use of technology in its industry.
As everyone knows, water is absolutely vital for growing the grass which leads to the production of high quality dairy products. It is no surprise, then, that making sure water is applied in just the right amount is of paramount importance to LPC.
Data-logging and telemetry units are helping Sydney Catchment Authority (SCA) keep a close eye on NSW’s most important catchments. SCA manages and protects the city’s drinking water catchments and associated infrastructure and supplies bulk water to its customers, which include Sydney Water and a number of local councils. With more than four million people relying on SCA for their water, it is essential that the authority keeps a close watch on the behaviour of the catchment and the quality of the water.
Kogarah Golf Club, located in beautiful surroundings on the Cooks River just opposite Sydney Airport, is a long established club going back 80 years or more and, like most golf clubs in Australia, is very focussed on its use of water.
In 2008, in response to Sydney Water’s Every Drop Counts program, Kogarah Golf Club (KGC) installed a Halytech Spider AMR system to monitor the two main water supplies and a number of on-course distribution pipes to help determine how much water was being used and, more importantly, where.
Responding to requests from its customers, Halytech has improved its Illuminator sportsfield lighting management system to monitors energy use and, where appropriate, enable councils to charge for it.
Unit 11, 22 Lexington Drive
Norwest Business Park
Bella Vista NSW 2153
9:00 - 5:00 Monday to Friday
phone +61 2 8814 5235